Become a Member

A community of unpaid carers with loved ones who are struggling

You may be a Carer, Family or Friend of someone with a Mental Health problem, or just someone who is supportive of our work. You are eligible to become a member if you are over 18 years of age.

There are no fees, nor requirements on you to attend meetings or get involved in any way unless you wish to do so, in which case your help would be greatly valued.

You would have access to regular information, including reports from the Management Committee who, representing the Forum, attend meetings with Health & Social Care Professionals to put Carers' views forward. You will also receive newsletters containing matters of interest to you as a Carer.

From time to time, we may invite your views on matters affecting you or the one you care for. You would be under no obligation to respond though we know that, while some may find it difficult to attend meetings, they would like the opportunity to make their views known.

Any participation would be treated in the strictest confidence unless you give permission otherwise.

Please complete an online form here
OR download the form
here, then post or email to us.

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General Data Protection Regulation
When you choose to become a Member of KMHCF, you voluntarily give us your personal information, by means of the membership form, to allow us to communicate effectively with you. GDPR requires us to clarify how we use your information. We are exempt from registering with the Information Commissioners Office, but will generally follow the GDPR guidance. We keep your information on a computer database, as well as the original membership form which you completed. It is never shared with anyone outside KMHCF unless you give explicit permission. You may, at any time, ask us to amend or delete your information. If you cease to be a member, we will delete it all immediately. If you have any questions, please let us know.

Registered Charity No: 1112499